Tuesday, May 01, 2012


I have a voice that makes people listen.
I have a voice that makes people shut up
I have a voice that I don't use so often
A voice that's taken for granted

One thing I've always noticed about my speeches in class is that everyone really stops to listen to what I have to say even if it doesn't mean anything at all. This is probably one of the effects of being a teacher for 5 summers, you learn how to FORCE people to listen to you (Add to that how huge my voice is.. when I shout, you can hear it form the other room..).

But there's a catch. I need to be confident enough to be able to convince them. It doesn't matter if I tell a lie or a truth. Confidence is the key. Which is why, lately, I haven't been doing so well.

A lot of the subject I've been taking recently have forced me to shut up. I don't know a lot about the topics nor do I know what to say about it. and when I do, I always get shaky and nervous hoping that no one will judge me for what I say.

Hopefully, that changes soon

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