Friday, February 03, 2012


Maturity is something that cannot be measured. So knowing that a person is mature can be very subjective and therein lies the problem.

I used to think that I was really mature just because I could curse. I thought I was mature because I knew what dildos, handjobs, rimming and terms similar to that meant. In some way, that is a step towards maturity, but that isn't all it is.

Maturity, for me, is knowing how to handle things without needing the help of others. Maturity is being able to see things clearly for what it is and not just what it shows to be. Maturity is when we grow up and realize that we're not kids anymore and we have to stop acting like one.

I'm not saying we should let go of things. Maturity is not letting go of being young. It is not letting go of being the kid you really are. What it is is a drive that pushes you to be better than who you are right now. Why do we laugh at our younger selves? It's because we thought so highly of ourselves then, but looking back, we were nothing.

I cannot say that I am mature enough for my age. There are things I do not understand about life. There are lots of things I still need to learn.

What I'm trying to say is that, sometimes, no matter how mature we think we are, we could be wrong.

1 comment:

Chihiro said...

'Why do we laugh at our younger selves? It's because we thought so highly of ourselves then, but looking back, we were nothing.'

Lol I still laugh at the things I did just A YEAR ago. And to think I was already 17 back then. Life is a non-stop lesson about maturity. It's only when you acknowledge this lesson that you allow yourself the growth you need.